
Mazzone is Watching

Much has happened since the last blog post! Guthrie finished out last season on a very strong note and is gearing up this year as the principal starter for the Oriole rotation.

I read an interesting quote from Leo Mazzone today. For those of you that don't know who he is, he could be one of the most famous pitching coaches in recent baseball history. For more than a decade the Atlanta Braves (my howntown team) dominated their division in the National League through premiere pitching: Glavine, Maddox, Smoltz, all Hall of Famers-to-be, among others. Mazzone was the Braves' pitching coach, bringing many of these stars from their youth into professional maturity with masterful coaching.

Mazzone was the Orioles pitching coach for the last few years, but he moved on and now does radio commentary. Here's what he said about what he still follows in the game:

"Certainly, I follow the career of Jeremy Guthrie every single day."

Wow, coming from the coach of several Hall of Famers (to be), that's saying something...

Here's the link to the article:


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